Konus company was founded in 1979 in Verona, a city in the North of Italy. Since the start they had a clear vision of their company: they want to provide high quality and functional products, supported by a complete service, in order to gain the total consumer satisfaction. Through the years this vision has become their company’s mission.
Konus has expanded globally through a network of sub – sidiaries and distributors.
Konus believes in financial strength and in a lean and effective organization, thanks to its Decision Makers and Ownership, who have a direct line to customer base. They can define our supplier-client relationship as prompt in decision making with regard to business delays and inefficiencies.
Konus has a broad range of products that allows a significant presence in different departments within any store. The result is a better and more meaningful Vendor-Retailer relationship. They developed different product categories, that complete each other and allow the consumer multiple usages and purposes. This results in a broader name recognition that improves the brand loyalty of its users. Each product category has its own identity and it is supported by the proper merchandising, in order to provide retailers with effective sell-through tools.
All their items come with instruction manuals in 8 languages (English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Dutch, Portuguese and Greek) and this may be a significant advantage.
– Being Market Driven
– Excellent Design and Quality in Products at the right price
– Financial Strengt h
– Strong and Healthy Inventory
TOPAZ PRISMATICO, ingranditore da testa 3,5 ingrandimenti con luce
VUEMAX-2 ingraditore da testa con 5 lenti intercambiabili, luci LED
Cannocchiale HANDY-18 18×50 con impugnatura
Binocolo SUPREME-2 10X26 W.A. impermeabile, con ponte aperto
Binocolo SUPREME-2 8X26 W.A. impermeabile, con ponte aperto
Binocolo SUPREME 8X25 W.A. impermeabile, con ponte aperto
Binocolo EMPEROR OH 10×42 W.A. verde, ponte aperto fuoco extra corto
Binocolo EMPEROR OH 8×42 W.A. verde, ponte aperto fuoco extra corto
Binocolo EMPEROR 12X50 W.A. verde, impermeabile, correzione di fase
Binocolo EMPEROR 10×50 W.A., verde, impermeabile, correzione di fase
Binocolo EMPEROR 10×42 W.A. grigio, impermeabile, correzione di fase
Binocolo EMPEROR 8×42 W.A. grigio, impermeabile, correzione di fase
Binocolo EMPEROR 10×42 W.A. verde, impermeabile, correzione di fase
Binocolo EMPEROR 8×42 W.A. verde, impermeabile, correzione di fase
Binocolo 10×42 W.A. TITANIUM OH prismi a tetto, ponte aperto
Binocolo 8×42 W.A. TITANIUM OH prismi a tetto, ponte aperto
Binocolo 7×50 TORNADO impermeabile, galleggiante
Binocolo 8×42 DCF TITANIUM gommato, impermeabile, prismi BAK-4
Binocolo NAVYMAN-2 7×50 C.F. impermeabile., ottiche Ruby Coating
Binocolo 8×21 FOREST impermeabile, tascabile, gommato camo, i.f.
Binocolo 8×21 VIVISPORT-21 impermeabile, tascabile, gommato i.f.
Binocolo 10×50 SPORTI gommato nero, sempre a fuoco, WA Ruby coating
Binocolo 7×50 SPORTY gommato nero, sempre a fuoco, Ruby coating
Binocolo 20×60 GIANT-60, gommato nero
Binocolo 10-30×60 C.F. NEWZOOM, gommato verde